A 501c3 Charitable Organization founded by Kirk Allen and John Kraft, founders of the Edgar County Watchdogs (ECWd) who have created a duplicatable model to hold local government and public officials accountable to the rule of law. American Watchdogs, Inc. is proud to be the chosen organization responsible for taking this proven model across the country to teach others how to better take on their local government and public officials as it relates to accountability, transparency, and corruption.

AWI is focused on providing key training in the areas needed most to hold local government and public officials accountable to the rule of law. This training consists of extensive classroom training, online training, as well as group and/or one-on-one mentorship to local leaders of watchdog entities. With years of experience in exposing malfeasance within public bodies we are able to help others navigate through the common road blocks public officials so often use to stifle the publics rights to information.

Freedom of Information Act Training
Each state has their own laws pertaining to accessing public records. Using the applicable open records laws we train people how to best take advantage of those laws to include teaching them key techniques that will enhance their ability to best obtain the records they are seeking.

Open Meetings Act Training
Each state has their own laws pertaining to public meetings. Using the applicable open meetings laws we train people how to best take advantage of those laws and educate them on their constitutionally protected rights as it relates to speaking at public meetings.

Investigative Techniques for Local Governments
With years of successful investigative work that led to multiple Federal/State, and local criminal investigations and indictments, we have learned the process. We teach the very strategies and tactics used to get to the bottom of what is really taking place in local government and apply the local laws to better educate the citizenry. The training is based on the very model we created and have used as the Edgar County Watchdogs.